
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Much to do


Comment allez vous?

I am pretty much doing what I set out to do. There are so many things I have not done yet and so many I wish to do again. It's not easy to choose. I think I planned too much away from Paris this time. But you're better off with a plan or you will lose precious time.

Saturday was orientation day; notice more bicycles in use; more cigar smoking, less cigarettes; far more people out and about.

Sunday I slept in late, shaking off jet leg and feeling good with the extra sleep. Took a walking tour of an area important in the the French Revolution -- "Reign of Terror". The area back then was farmland outside the city limits. This is where it ended; not at the Bastille or Place du Concorde because it was very hot and all those bodies and all that blood smelled up the city so they buried many of the bodies out there in mass graves. Pretty horrific stuff. After this fascinating tour I thought it would be perfect to go see the movie Marie Antoinette. I dozed off from time to time and found it disappointing. It was much like Lost in Translation where nothing much happens and the story and characters are superficial. I prefer movies that I can find a connect with or draws me in to that world.

Monday most museums and stores are closed so I walked around a new area to explore then to L'Orangerie Museum which just opened again after renovations. I have waited 16 years to return but the lines were crazy, even 3 hours before closing. Learned its best to make reservations. So I strolled down rue Royale to Laduree for afternoon tea. Instead of the usual tea, I tried a new one. It is the best tea I have ever tasted and I have tasted a lot of tea. Thé Jardin Bleu Royale. I bought some to make at the apartment along with the requisite macaroons. The new flavor this time is ginger lime. After, I walked further down rue Royale to place de la Madeleine where two of Paris' most famous food stores are located -- Fauchon which had tasty looking prepared foods to buy and Hediard where I purchased some cherry jam for my breakfast bread and a small tin of their house tea to try. Went home early 'cause I needed to do laundry. FRIENDS is still very popular just like home with reruns on multiple stations. Also caught the news about the Amish school slayings. So tragic.

Today I took a morning walking tour through part of the Fashion district. Most of the time we stood in front of the stores and were given background history but we did go inside Dior and Prada, something I don't think I would have the nerve to do on my own. Prada was okay but Dior was fabulous. Remember when Carrie Bradshaw entered the store and fell flat on her face? And the exclusive hotel where she stayed with "The Russian" was just up the street from there. At Dior I found a few very nice pieces of jewelry I would like and priced reasonably but considering I am not working right now, not a very practical move. Next time. Nearby was Alain Ducaisse's restaurant Spoon, Food + Wine where I had a fabulous lunch -- Chef's Choice; a sampling from the menu in small portions chosen by the chef. Fun way to sample lots of yummy dishes. Doing practical errands this afternoon and getting ready for my trip to Angers tomorrow.

A tout a l'heure!


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