Lily Ponds at Huntington Library vs Monet's Giverny

At tea I mapped out my garden viewing plan because I only had about two hours. Armed with camera and extra batteries, the first stop were the Lily Ponds. The sun was intense, I heard someone say it was 107 but I don't know. Taking pictures of the Lily Ponds got me thinking about Giverny and Monet's water gardens. Would I dare compare? Fear not. Walking through Monet's water gardens in Giverny France is like entering a sacred spiritual retreat. As much as I like the Huntington, they just don't come close to compare.
With the sun beating down, I was relieved to find the pond was not as far as it looked on the map. It was simple and pretty. I imagined the water lilies in bloom were similar to visiting Giverny in the summer, something I have yet to do. When I go in the fall, there are no blossoms among the lily pads. So I pretended for a moment I was there.
I've included a photo of Monet's water garden and a shot of the Lily Pond at the Huntington. Can you tell which is which?
There was very little shade except for the bamboo trees nearby. The scent of the bamboo permeated the air, the stalk-like trees were fascinating to examine. Hope the photos I took captured their essences.
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