
Monday, September 26, 2016

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT movie script excerpt RELEVANT TODAY! Part 2 of 2


continued . . .  Part 2 of 2


Who's picked up the receiver from a wall phone and punches in four numbers.

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT     12/15/94                                                       146.

She turns into the wall to shield her conversation from the rest of the room.

(into the phone)
Lewis . . . call A.J. and come on down here . . .
I don't know, but something's happening.

. . . and although I have not been willing to engage 
in his attacks on me, I've been here three years and
three days, and I can tell you without hesitation:  
Being President of this country is entirely about 

LEWIS enters with A.J. and KODAK.

For the record:  Yes, I am a card-carrying member
of the A.C.L.U.  But the more important question
is why aren't you, Bob?  This is an organization 
whose sole purpose is to defend the Bill of Rights,
so it naturally begs the question.

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT     12/23/94                                                       147.

Why would a senator, his party's most powerful
spokesman and a candidate for president, chose
to reject upholding the Constitution?  If you can
answer that question, then, folks, you are smarter
than I am, because I didn't understand until a few
minutes ago.  Everybody knows American isn't 
easy.  America is advanced citizenship.


You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up
a fight.  Its gonna say, "You want free speech?
Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words
make your blood boil, who's standing center stage
and advocating, at the top of his lungs, that which
you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of 
yours.  You want to claim this land as the land of
the free, then the symbol of your country can't 
just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its
citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in 
protest."  Show me that, defend that, celebrate
that in your classrooms.  Then you can stand up 
and sing about the land of the free.  I've known
Bob Rumson for years.  I've been operating under
the assumption that the reason Bob devotes so
much time and energy shouting at the rain was 
that he simply didn't get it.  Well, I was wrong.


Bob's problem isn't that he doesn't get it.  Bob's
problem is that he can't sell it.  Nobody ever wonl
an election by talking about what I was just talking

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT    1/12/95                                                          148*.

SHEPHERD (cont'd)
This is a country made up of people with hard
jobs that they're terrified of losing.  The roots 
of freedom are of little or no interest to them at
the moment.  We are a nation afraid to go out
at night.  We're a society that has assigned low
priority to education and has looked the other
way while our public schools have been decimated.
We have serious problems to solve, and we need
serious (women and )men to solve them.  And whatever 
your particular problem is, friends, I promise you, Bob
Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it.
He is interested in two things and two things only:
Making you afraid of it and telling you who's to
blame for it.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is how
you win elections.  You gather a group of middle-
aged, middle class, middle-income voters who 
remember with longing an easier time, and you
talk to them about family and American values
and personal character.  Then you wave an old
photo of the President's girlfriend.  You scream
about patriotism and you tell them she's to blame
for their lot in life, you go on television and you
call her a whore.  Sydney Ellen Wade has done
nothing but put herself through law school, 
prosecute criminals for five years, represent
the interests of public school teachers for two 
years, and lobby for the safety of our natural

You want a character debate?  Fine, but you better
stick to me, 'cause Sydney Ellen Wade is way out 
of your league.  I've loved two women in my life
I lost one to cancer, and I lost the other 'cause I
was so busy keeping my job I forgot to do my job.
Well that ends right now.

*(women) was added by me

Although the specific situation around SHEPHERD'S speech is not relevant given he's already the President and running for re-election, but his words ring so true regarding the Bob Rumson 'character' as it relates to today's candidate.
Where are the President Shepherds of the world that actually give a damn about We The People instead of those who put their personal agenda based on ego and lies that we see today ahead of the American public?

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THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT movie script excerpt - RELEVANT TODAY! Part 1 of 2

The brilliant Aaron Sorkin wrote the script for the movie THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT which came out at the theaters November 1995.  I find that there is a section of this movie/script that is just as relevant now as when he originally wrote those words.  I will be publishing this excerpt in three parts.  It is not in the exact script format but the words are what matter most.


THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT  12/15/94                                                               143.

I mean, it really bothers a lot of people, and I 
don't know why you think it's okay.  I hear 
Senator Rumson talk, and some of the things he 
says sound right to me, and I think "God, am
I like Bob Rumson?!  I mean, Dad thinks he's a jerk.  
Dad hates this guy!  Why am I agreeing with him?"
And then I think, "Well, maybe I'm not like Dad 
either."  But the point is I'm the President's kid, 
and people pay attention to what I say, and if I say 
something different from what you say, it'll be
embarrassing for you.  So I can't just get up in
social studies class and say whatever I want.

SHEPHERD is silent ... totally blown away ... he had absolutely no idea . . .

He stands up slowly and moves toward her . . . LUCY doesn't know what's coming . . .

Stand up please.

LUCY gets up slowly . . .

She's never seen her father like this . . .

I want you to pay very close attention to what
happens now.

SHEPHERD kneels down, cups his daughter's face in his hands, and gently kisses her forehead.  He pulls her to him and holds her in a tight embrace . . .

In your lifetime, you will never embarrass me. 
It could never happen.  You're not the President's
daughter, Lucy; you're mine.  And no one's gonna
vote me out of that job.  You're my daughter, and
everything else is a distant second.

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT     1/11/95                                                                      144.

SHEPHERD (cont'd)
School is for you, Lucy.  You say what you
want.  The only thing you have to do to make
make me happy is come home at the end of
the day.

LUCY squeezes her dad tight . . . they hold the embrace for a long moment.

One more thing.  I don't dislike Senator
Rumson because of his political views.  And
even if you voted for everything he would vote 
for that wouldn't make you like him.  There's a
There's a fundamental difference between you
and the Bob Rumsons of the world.

What's that?

The difference is that he says he loves America.
Saying you love America is easy.  What takes
character -- and this is what you have -- 

SHEPHERD trails off, realizing he's about to quote Sydney . . .

What takes character is loving Americans.


And now its as if SHEPHERD is waking himself up from the longest nap of his life . . .

. . . he looks over at the T.V. monitor . . . "No comment" . . . "No, I don't know how many other ways I can say it.  The White House isn't getting involved in . . ."

Luce, I gotta go.

Dad, is everything all right?

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT     1/3/95                                                           145***

 SHEPHERD (cont'd)
Everything's fine.  I'm just a little late for work.

He heads for the door, shouting out as he goes --

Somebody get my daughter some food!  The girl's
from Wisconsin, for cryin' out loud!

And he's gone as we . . .

                                                                                                                CUT TO:


ROBIN is on her last drops of energy and patience.

Robin, will the President ever respond to 
Senator Rumson's question about being a 
member of the American Civil Liberties Union? 

But instead of hands going up, the PRESS CORPS suddenly stands.  ROBIN turns to see SHEPHERD stride in and step up to the podium.

Yes, he will.  "Morning.

Good morning, Mr. President.

SHEPHERD takes the podium.  There's a palpable BUZZ in the room as video operators adjust their equipment, etc.  People start to stand.

That's all right, you can keep your seats.
For the last couple of months, Senator Rumson
has suggested that being president of this 
country was, to a certain extent, about character . . .

Part 2 coming shortly . . .

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