Street bum, angel or . . .
Detroit, Michigan; Summer of 1981. I was with two of my long time friends at the local bar where our favorite band plays mosts weekends. We are regulars there. I ordered a coke and both of my friends were appalled and demanded I purchase a real drink. What would people say if they knew I wasn't drinking. My reply was, who cares, people can think its rum and coke. What difference does it make. They insisted on buying me a real drink but I declined. I was getting tired of their discussions about me as if I wasn't there hearing them passing judgment.
A guy came up to the table and asked me to dance. He had an afro, wore a long coat, rumpled clothes and looked like a bum. His voice was soft despite his appearance. I had a feeling this guy was someone special and my thoughts jumped to the Good Samaritan story. There was absolutely no hesitation, I said yes. He helped me out of my chair and I led the way to the dance floor.
I started dancing when I was three years old and throughout my childhood I performed in dance recitals, talent shows, in hospitals and retirement homes. When I wasn't performing I was taking dance classes or practicing. I love to dance.
It has been my experience that most guys don't dance well and I usually lead on the slow ones. So I was doing my thing on the dance floor when I looked over at my partner and realized this guy is nothing short of an amazing dancer with moves I've never seen before (and I went out dancing a lot!). I was excited to find someone to challenge me so stepped up my moves. Who was this guy and how lucky was I to be dancing with him?
The song ended and I hoped we would stay for another but he walked me back to my table, thanked me for the dance with a slight bow then disappeared. My exhilaration turned to disappointment. It was too fast. We didn't even talk. I wanted more.
My reverie was cut dramatically short when both of my friends took turns reprimanding me for not only dancing with a bum but a bum who was Black: "What was I thinking anyway? I should stick to my own kind. Didn't I notice his flapping shoes?" They told me it was embarassing for them to be with me. I thought who are these people I thought were my friends? We are so very different now and I no longer seem to have anything in common with them anymore.
I have often thought about that evening throughout my life -- sometimes because of my now ex-friends' behavior toward my choices in drink and my dance partner. Mostly I think about the fact that whoever I danced with that night was someone special. It was obvious the guy was in disguise and I wondered why he would do that. Was it God testing my ability to accept people as they are and not to judge? I believe that was the case. The guy didn't smell like a street person at all. Although his clothes were worn and rumpled, they were clean. I never even noticed his floppy shoes. And you have to get past a bouncer and show your ID to get in to the place and they didn't have a problem with him. I felt very safe with this person. His energy was magnetic and he had manners far better than most guys who ask me to dance. I really wish the experience lasted longer. It was a highlight in my life that I have returned to many, many times since and wondered who this person was and why it happened.
Cut to July 7, 2009, Staples Center; Los Angeles, California - Michael Jackson's Memorial.
His brother, Marlon, is on stage relating a story about this guy he saw in a record store. He described him as dressed in rumpled clothes, an afro ..... I froze. He was describing the man I danced with that night in Detroit so many years earlier. He continued his story ... "So I said, Hi Mike, what are you doing here?" In that moment I had absolutely no doubt whatsoever that I had danced with Michael Jackson!!!
I told myself it was crazy, what would Michael even be doing in Detroit? Then I found out he was on his Triumph Tour at that time and one of his stops was Detroit. They probably performed at Cobo Hall which was an easy drive to the club. It was possible. Later I saw a picture of Michael dancing with Tatum O'Neal where he was in mid-move -- that distinct move. He also does it in the Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough video where first there is one of him doing it, then two and finally three. He leans back a certain way with his leg in a specific position. That was the move I saw across from me on the dance floor back in Detroit.
Now that I know it was him, I wish more than ever we had danced longer, exchanged a few words, or might have revealed himself. That evening when I left the club, feeling a bit down from the treatment from my so-called friends, and the all too short time with the mystery dancer, the bouncer made an odd comment to me that made no sense at the time. I remember this because he rarely spoke to me beyond "ID please" and "go on in" but whatever he said was something about my dancing that lifted my spirits a little even though it was cryptic. Now, knowing who I danced with that night, he must have commented about me dancing with Michael without coming right out and saying it given MJ's desire to be in disguise. He had to have known since he check's everyone's ID in this small place and had a bird's eye view of the action, including the dance floor.
I don't know why I chose not to have alcohol that evening but I think none of this would have happened if I had, especially now knowing that at that time, Michael did not drink. No matter how short the

Labels: dancing with Michael Jackson
At 8:03 PM,
Aloha said…
Good Samaritan, you got that right Nancy! Thank you for warming my heart with this perfect story of your encounter with Michael.
Love and Blessings!
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